Between Horses and Humans is a non-profit entity funded entirely by generous donations of time, money, and resources. Several annual fundraisers provide essential funds to support our scholarship program. Attend one or attend them all, and bring a friend! Every event is guaranteed to be fun while providing essential support to the BHH program.
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Join our Horsing Around Fun-Raiser!
Aaaaaaannnnnd they're off! Our Horsing Around Fun-Raiser kicked off today with a bang! Team Lisette is currently in the lead with $80, followed by Team Afke with $50! Team Tru is trailing with $35. Mari and Rascal are still at the starting gate, chomping at the bit! Choose your favorite horse and donate in their name to help us feed and care for them!
How Gift Card Fundraising Works
Gift card fundraising, also known as scrip fundraising, has been the #1 fundraiser for nonprofit organizations across the U.S. for more than 25 years.
Why? Because it’s easy and more convenient than selling goods or recruiting volunteers. Earn simply by buying gift cards to use for everyday purchases, instead of cash or credit cards.
Watch the training video provided here for more information and to learn how to create your account and start making your daily purchases and gift giving support BHH!
BHH's RaiseRight Code: PJ67ZAJ8FWXL