Meet Marie! Marie joined Between Horses and Humans three years ago after struggling with the loss of her father. Marie had a passion for horses and thought BHH could be the perfect place to help her through it. Listen to Marie's story and how her time with the horses truly made an impact in her life. All children deserve a future with love, joy and hope in it.
Video Transcript
Hi, my name is Marie, and I am 13, and I've been riding here for three years. When I first learned about it, I love horses, and I thought it would be a good choice for me because I deal with some issues during the years.
I thought this would be the perfect place to be at because I can be with horses and talk about my stuff, what I have been through, and I can learn through it too well, because sometimes I have emotional stuff I have to deal with, but usually I talk to the horse about it or people, and the people are living here, so I love this place dearly, so it gets all the drama off of my chest.
My favorite horse here is Afka because I love her so much. And we've been through scary times and some hard times, but we learn to have, like our, like, each other's trust and we've been, like, building it up. And I feel like I could trust her a lot more now. First I thought she was a little tricky to work with, but when I first read her, a lot of people been saying she never been act like that to anyone before because usually she's always been tricky and difficult. But that's how I learned she was my force.
I think people should come here to trust people. And if they have trust issues, they should trust animals first and then people, so I think this place will be the perfect place to trust and bond.